The traditional painting technique decorating transportation vehicles. Tberfil involves a trained hand, a keen eye and a disciplined mind. It's spontaneity mixed to technique. Much like these writings.
Ħela fl-użu tal-karta
Għal darb’oħra rcevejt dokument mitbugħ fuq 144 paġna. Dokument finanzjarju ta’ aġenzija – fi ftit kliem dokument bla użu ħlief biex ingawdi r-riħa tal-karta. Minjaf kemm -il kopja ntremew illum mingħajr lanqas biss infetħu? Illum… more
Enough of the Eurovision!
Vertigo is always an uncomfortable experience. This time of year is the time when I feel I am living in a pathetic country discussing whether we should take part in the next edition of the… more