The traditional painting technique decorating transportation vehicles. Tberfil involves a trained hand, a keen eye and a disciplined mind. It's spontaneity mixed to technique. Much like these writings.
L-Integrità Kulturali tal-Belt Valletta
In a matter of hours on the stairway leading to Ta’ Ġieżu church, likely one of the Valletta streets deeply imbued with religious significance, the recently restored church facade was unveiled. Just two days after… more
Il-Beltin relegati – Evans Building
Reflecting on Valletta's transformation, the city is metaphorically likened to a beloved mother or devoted spouse. Initially neglected, this delicate figure was once deeply loved by her children. However, as newcomers sought to attract tourists,… more
Id-destin tal-Belt Valletta
Nibqa' mistagħġeb kif quddiem dawn id-deċiżjonijiet kruċjali fis-salvagwardja tat-tessut soċjali, l-arkitetti u dawk responsabbli fl-awtoritajiet jeħlu ma' interpretazzjonijiet tar-regolamenti fuq il-karta u fuq preċedenti, minflok jaħdmu b'risq il-benefiċċju tal-komunità lokali, l-aktar dik residenzjali. Huwa sempliċement… more
Ħobża jew dinjità
In Malta's current setting, public entities contend with a disconcerting mix of populism and amateurism, gradually eroding core values. Mizzi contemplates how the revelation of environmental negligence underscores a system that prioritizes popularity over duty.… more
Kif firduna lill-Beltin!
Is-sitwazzjoni fil-Belt Valletta hija inkwetanti ħafna. Minn naħa, nosservaw gvern li hu ffissat fuq ir-retorika tar-“riġenerazzjoni tal-Belt Valletta,” filwaqt li min-naħa l-oħra, b’mod sfaċċat qed nassistu għal komunità li bi pressjoni sottili sfat iddiżintegrata. Lura… more