Hemm tfal u tfal. F’ġieh l-ugwaljanza. Hemm tfal li missierhom jorganiżżalhom festin mal-parteċipanti ta’ Love Island Malta u hemm tfal li jiġu miċħuda inkjesta pubblika sabiex jiġu identifikati dawk li qatluhom. X’pajjiż tan-nejk qed ngħixu fih!
Illum dan il-Gvern wera li laħaq qiegħ ġdid. Qiegħ li mhux biss wasslu jitlef kull valur politiku u uman iżda talli wasslu jiċċirkonda ruħu b’poplu ġaħan li għal raġunijiet frivoli jibqa’ jċapċaplu u jħallih jemmen li kollox huwa sew.
B’dispjaċir kbir rajt il-filmati tal-familjari ta’ Jean Paul Sofia jesprimu r-rabja tagħhom fil-binja tal-Parlament u jindirizzaw lil Prim Ministru u lid-dixxipli tiegħu. Ammirajt il-mod kif ikkontrollaw l-emozzjonijiet tagħhom u żammew sod sabiex ma waqgħux fin-nassa ħelwa tal-vjolenza. Wasal iż-żmien li l-poplu jinżel fit-toroq u juri l-għadab tiegħu. Nemmen li qorob iż-żmien tar-rivoluzzjoni. U r-rivoluzzjoni ma ssirx b’sempliċi bidla fil-partit fil-Gvern iżda billi tneħħi l-għamad minn quddiem għajnejn il-poplu xurban li lanqas jaf ‘l fejn hu sejjer. Poplu ġaħan li kulma jmur qed iħaffer il-qabar tiegħu. Dan kollu f’ġieh il-progress, l-identità Ewropea u s-soċjaliżmu marid li jemmen li l-ġid jinstab fil-flus.
Jeħtieġ li kull min għandu xi forma ta’ setgħa jibda jagħti sinjali ċari lil dan il-Gvern. Jeħtieġ li l-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni jieqaf jindirizza diskors artab qisu ċikkulata fix-xemx. Jeħtieġ li jsiru boycots, jitħassru attivitajiet tal-massa u avvenimenti ta’ skala internazzjonali. Jeħtieġ li l-poplu jfakkar lil dawn il-mexxejja kif għandu jitmexxa pajjiż. Hawn insejjaħ lill-organizzaturi tal-EuroPride Valletta 2023 bħala eżempju, nies li żgur huma sensittivi għal dawn l-inġustizzji, sabiex ma jħallux lil dan l-istess Gvern jużahom. Ma jħalluħx ikompli jippreżenta ruħu bħala paladin tad-drittijiet ċivili, u b’hekk jagħtu sinjali qawwi b’turija ta’ rispett lejn Jean Paul Sofia u familtu.
Kull min huwa ta’ rieda tajba għandu jieħu pożizzjoni ċara kontra din l-attitudni tal-Gvern. B’kull mod, f’kull forma, ejja ngħollu leħinna. Jekk le, jekk hemm xi “imma”… ma ġara xejn. Ejjew nibqgħu ngħerqu f’dan il-baħar ta’ żibel. Sa ma jaħxu lil uliedna wkoll.
Ah, the stark contrasts of equality in our society! We have children fortunate enough to enjoy parties with Love Island Malta participants, while others are left without a public inquiry to bring justice to their untimely demise. Truly, a testament to the pitiful state of our nation.
Today, the Government has hit a new low. It is regrettable that the members of government have not only lost all political and human values but have also surrounded themselves with sycophants who mindlessly and for some frivilous priviledge, applaud them, giving them the illusion that everything is fine.
I was deeply saddened to watch the videos of Jean Paul Sofia’s relatives expressing their anger in the Parliament building, addressing the Prime Minister and his followers. I admired their ability to control their emotions and remain steadfast, avoiding the temptation of violence. The time has come for the people to rise up and express their frustration in the streets. I firmly believe that a revolution is imminent, but it should not be limited to a mere shift in political power. True revolution lies in freeing the disillusioned masses from their ignorant stupor, guiding them away from the self-destructive path they unwittingly tread. This is a collective awakening for a society driven by the pursuit of progress and European identity, tarnished by a distorted form of socialism that mistakenly equates wealth solely with monetary possessions.
Individuals in positions of power must send unequivocal signals to the Government. The Leader of the Opposition should refrain from delivering feeble speeches reminiscent of a melting chocolate bar. Boycotts, mass actions, and the cancellation of internationally significant events are necessary. The people must remind these leaders about the principles of good governance. I urge the organizers of EuroPride Valletta 2023, for example, individuals who are undoubtedly sensitive to these injustices, to not allow this Government to take milage from their socio-political celebration and take a strong stand and call for due respect for Jean Paul Sofia and his family.
It is imperative for individuals with good intentions to unequivocally oppose the Government’s stance. Let us unite and make our voices heard through any means possible. If, however, there are hesitations or objections, then so be it. We will tragically persist in sinking deeper into this wretched sea of filth until it’s our own children’s turn to inevitably fall victim to the consequences.